Group 33959
Sztuczna inteligencja ChatGPT pojawiła się w HR.
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Sztuczna inteligencja ChatGPT pojawiła się w HR. Wypróbuj bezpłatnie już dziś!

Loono: We were driven by the desire to digitise and simplify everyday HR work

Loono is a non-profit organisation made up of a team of young doctors, medical students and other professionals. Through workshops, training sessions, and webinars in schools and businesses, they educate the public about the importance of oncological (#prsakoule) and cardiovascular (#zijessrdcem) prevention, as well as reproductive (#doledobry) and mental health (#dobrenitro).

Situation in Loono 

The non-profit organisation Loono, which is dedicated to education about prevention, is viewed by Jitka Zmítková, Head of Human Resources at Loono, as a very open organisation with a clear vision. Loono wants to offer employees stability and good facilities, as well as the benefits that today’s technology allows. It treats employees individually and with an emphasis on personal needs, but as the organisation grows, this is becoming more and more challenging. Loono’s greatest added value in the job market is the societal impact the work has and the relaxed company culture with its emphasis on openness and individual needs.

“The greatest added value in the job market is the very strong vision we have and what we do as an organisation. The people who want to join us want to join us so that they can help. They want to do meaningful work, they want to do work with a positive impact on society. While we don’t see the feedback right away, like a doctor who saves a life, people often get back to us with thanks and personal stories that also mention what they were able to prevent thanks to our information. Our work and efforts therefore have a visible impact.”

Precisely because the work that Loono does carries a high degree of social responsibility, Loono prides itself on a personal approach to each of its employees. It strives to meet the diverse requirements that individual employees have while working as efficiently as possible. Unfortunately, this leads to a number of complications and brings to the surface the problems that the Czech labour market is facing.

“If I were to give a real-life example, we often encounter requests for part-time work. As an employer, we offer this option and it is clearly a way to go for us, but although a person working part time does half the amount of work for our organisation compared to a full-time worker, the administrative work we have to handle is still the same. Logically, then, we need to save this time elsewhere. It is similar with remote working. We take it for granted these days, but we found out during COVID that when we all work remotely and need to find out the information contained in employment contracts, we have no way of accessing it,” added Zmítková.

Where the problem was and how we solved it 

The main impetus for implementing Sloneek in Loono’s case was the desire to digitise and simplify daily HR work. Loono’s goal was to be able to provide employees with both in-office and remote support, while maintaining the same efficiency, and not to remain limited only to physical commuting to the office, which until then had undeniable advantages thanks to the lack of a unified system for managing HR documents.

Loono has been with Sloneek for 3 years

Therefore, in the first stage, we created for Loono a clear online database containing information and HR information for all employees. This database now serves as a replacement for the shared documents that were previously used to manage the HR work. The database is accessible to all employees who are directly involved with HR work at the company (i.e. HR department and team leaders) from anywhere and is easily editable, so it can be easily used during a growth stage when the organisation is hiring new employees. The database, which comprises around 1,000 documents, is currently actively managed by 10 key employees.

As the Loono team is spread across several branches, we also created an intuitive labelling system within the database, which makes it clear at a glance which branch, department and team an employee belongs to, which should make it much easier for employees without physical access to the office,” commented Milan Rataj, an HR expert at Sloneek.

“If I were to give an example from real life, we often encounter requests for part-time work. As an employer, we naturally offer this option. But the administrative work is still the same and a part-time worker does less work for our organisation than a full-time worker. Logically then, we need to save this time elsewhere. It is similar with remote working. We take it for granted these days, but we found out during COVID that when we all work remotely and need to find out the information contained in employment contracts, we have no way of accessing it,” added Zmítková.

Hours saved from the very start 

  • Clear database of employee data 
  • Software development and improvement over time 
  • Filtering options by label and location 
  • Clear, pre-made structure that updates itself 
  • Access to documents in digital form 
  • Support from Sloneek 

What Loono particularly appreciates about Sloneek is help with the transition to digital HR document management and streamlining remote working. The benefits for the organisation are intuitive control, access to the employee database from anywhere, automatic data updates and, last but not least, the customer support that Sloneek offers clients.

„The information we need is now available to all of us and at a few clicks. If I were to estimate it numerically, I’d dare say that I can now save 4 minutes per person when doing HR work, which is a really noticeable time saving at the end of the day. Since Sloneek also offers different language versions, I would definitely recommend it not only to smaller companies that are just starting to digitise their work, but I can imagine it being used in larger international companies as well. In any case, I can say regarding Loono that at the moment we are not yet using 100% of the service’s potential and we definitely plan to expand our cooperation over time,” concluded Zmítková.

Thank you to our clients at Loono for sharing information that may be beneficial to other HR professionals in their decision-making.

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